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Category: goals

  • Business Boutique Book Review

    Now, before you get up in arms about this not being a fantasy book, I’m going to state that I read and like to share a wide variety of books. I love to exercise my creative side most of the time, but I also like to balance my reading by picking up at least one…

  • Book Updates and a Glimpse at 2024

    There’s a saying in my house. Silence is golden. Unless you have kids, then silence is just suspicious. unknown When I start really diving into my next book, (which usually happens in the winter because my husband and I run a small farm,) I post less. Not only here on the blog, but on my…

  • Book Review: Crush Your Kryptonite

    Whenever you think of Superman, it’s hard not to also imagine the little green rock that zapped the hero’s power. After reading this self-help book by Nate Hambrick, I’m starting to wonder if little specs of green dust are floating around me, stealing my power to own my life because I refuse to clean them…

  • What’s that ONE thing…?

    I hope this post finds you warm, curled up in front of a fire with an excellent book in hand, and possibly some hot cocoa nearby. That is definitely where I want to be as we have a field of snow outside my windows at the moment.  As you sit there in your comfy spot,…

  • Do you know SWOT?

    All of us have written down a goal with the full intention of doing it, but for one reason or another, we never accomplish it. If this happens often enough, it may begin to feel like we just aren’t good at goals, so why should we try? We try because all of us, no matter…

  • What Can You Accomplish This Year?

    On a recent call with my writing coach, he asked the question of “What does your one year plan look like? What goals in your writing do you want to achieve? And what steps are you going to take to get you there?